Baltijas Enduro Rallija pirmais posms norisināsies jau 21. martā Lietuvas pilsētas Rukla apkārtnē.
Enduro Rallijs ir motosporta veids, kur komandai, kas sastāv no diviem sportistiem (Tūristu klasē iespējami arī vairāki dalībnieki), jābrauc pa GPS iekārtā iezīmētu maršrutu, jāsacenšas speciālajos testos uz ātrumu un jāveic citi dažādas sarežģītības speciālie testi un uzdevumi.
Papildus jau ierastajām rallija klasēm, ieviesta vēl viena bezceļu bagijiem paredzēta klase – SSV, kurā iespējams startēt diviem braucējiem ar vienu transportlīdzekli. Kā arī ir veiktas dažādas izmaiņas trases konfigurācijā, lielākā no tām mainīts trases virziens, šogad tas būs pretējs ierastajam. Nav aizmirsts arī par Tūristu klases braucējiem, kuriem tiek gatavots no pamatrases vēl atšķirīgāks pārbrauciena maršruts par iepriekšējos gados izbraukto.
Dalības maksa:
60 eur no sportista, no 11.03.2020. 70 eur, Tūristu klases braucējiem 40 eur no personas
Reģistrācija atvērta līdz 19.03.2020.
Sacensību nolikums pieejams šeit: Lejuplādēt Nolikumu
Visa svarīgākā informācija atrodama Lietuvas organizatoru mājas lapā: Enduro Lithuania
10:00 – Pirmais starts
18:00 – Finišs
19:00 – Labāko foto atrādīšana
20:00 – Uzvarētāju apbalvošana
21:00 – Pasākuma noslēgums
Svarīgākā informācija
Starta vieta: Lietuva, Ruklas Poligons
Distance: apmēram 100 km (ap 90 km Touristu klasei) un apmēram 20 dabā marķēti kontrolpunkti
Speciālie testi: (ST): 4 speciālie testi
Trases raksturojums: meža ceļi, izcirtumi, grūti izbraucamas smilšu sekcijas, grāvji un purvi
Dalībnieku klases:
HARD enduro - motocikli līdz 129kg
HARD enduro HOBBY - motocikli līdz 129kg (braucējam pēdējo 3 gadu laikā nav bijusi izsniegta sportista licence
SOFT Enduro - motocikli virs 130 kg un vairāk
SPORTA kvadri - riteņu formula 2x4
ATV kvadri - riteņu formula 4x4
SSV kvadri jeb bagiji
Tūristu klase, kurai nav ieskaites, tikai trases izbraukšanas iespēja
Komanda sastāv no diviem braucējiem. Tūristu klasē iespējami arī vairāk dalībnieki.
Papildus informācija ENG:
Main rules for the race:
1.3.1 All the team must drive through rally recommended route (indicated in navigator), fitting in time norm and to photograph set check stations (written number on different objects) in sequence.
1.3.2 Number of check stations will be published before start.
1.3.4 Penalty seconds will be counted for missing photographed stations and exceeded time norms.
1.3.4. Total length of enduro rally route will be published before start (usually about 100 km).
1.3.5. Route contains special stretches (SS). Each of them has work time (is published in additional race regulations). In SS the times are of completion are taken, which will determine the winners.
1.3.6. Finish is fixed after it is reached by the last member of a team.
1.3.7. Team consists of 2 members in all classes (except Tourist).
Fees for participating in the race:
Mandatory sports license for enduro LMSF. One-time enduro license - 10 Eur ( paid with start fee)
Start fee – 60 Eur
From the date 2020-03-11 start fee – 70 Eur
From the date 2020-03-19 registration for race is closed
Tourist class (there are no regulations for number of participants in a team, nor for moto technique; the class doesn’t take part in rally lap standings; no license nor insurance needed). Participation fee – 40 Eur (From 2020-03-16 till 2020-03-20 fee – 40 Eur)
Payment details are presented by e-mail after confirmation of pre-registration.
Main condition for the participants:
The right to participate in ER has a person:
Holding annual or one-time LMSF or LaMSF enduro license;
Holding an appropriate driving license category to drive a transport mean, participating in the race;
Holding a technical passport of a transport mean, participating in the race;
Having proper equipment and start package for participating in the race.
Start package:
Team must have a start package, which consists of:
o First aid box (recommended);
o Navigator (race route have to be implemented in it)
o Photo camera or mobile phone;
o Mobile phone with a fully charged battery;
o Rope (recommended);
o Drinkable liquids (recommended).
Division into classes:
There are seven classes total (one of which are not ranked):
HARD enduro – up to129 kg;
Hard HOBBY – up to 129 kg (the rider didn’t have an annual LMSF or LaMSF licence for the last 3 years and also haven’t finished in top 3 places in this class)
SOFT enduro - from130 kg and more;
Sport ATV – wheels formula 4x2;
Utility ATV – wheels formula 4x4;
SSV quad – the team consists of two with one quad
Tourist – there are no regulations for number of participants in a team, nor for moto technique.
TOURIST class – there are special requirements for the technique or number of participants in the team. This is non-ranked class with official starts. Diplomas for the successfully sassed SOFT Class Orienteering Route will be granted (photos of all CP will have to be provided to judge).
Starting numbers:
Starting numbers will be provided from organizational team on the day of race. Stickers have to be sealed on the helmet and moto technique.
Race organizer:
VŠĮ "Enduro Lithuania" +370 601 86653 (registration) +370 686 51793 (others)